Genew brings its outstanding optical access solution in Fiber Connect

Publish Time: 2022-10-14     Origin: Site

Over past few decades, the traffic on optical fiber connections have been grown rapidly, the growth rate is over 30% each year in some countries, and accompanied with the traffic growth, the users and services also increased exponentially, especially the emerging services like IoT (Internet of Things), 4K, 8K or VR videos, Cloud Gaming etc. are becoming more and more popular. And for the new norm of COVID-19 pandemic, the traffic at the user end grows even quicker.

To fulfill the requirement of this sky-rocket demand of the service and traffic, Genew launched the GX3500 series OLT to provide the ultra performance optical access solution, which has a 7.2 Tbps backplane switch capacity, and maximum 200 Gbps slot bandwidth. And the most powerful one of the series, named the GX3500-S17, having 16 combo ports on a card and 17 slots in a 21-inch width and 11U height chassis, provides ultra integration for high density and performance requirement scenarios.

Come to us at the Fiber Connect in Ohio at November 3 and check our other advantages of optical access solutions, see you there!


Genew Technologies Co., Ltd., established in 2005, is a global system provider of end-to-end communication solutions and telecom infrastructures, it is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 688418.SS).


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